Dental Implant Experience

Dental Implant Experience

Posted by Vladislav Kamanin Sep 13, 2017

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Dental implants actually take the place of a missing tooth or teeth thus providing an artificial tooth to take the form and carry out the function of that particular tooth. The dental implants are similar to the root of the tooth and are embedded in the bone so that they can function well without getting damaged.

The first evidence of the dental implants on the earth was seen in the Maya Civilization. At that time, a woman somewhere in her twenties had three teeth missing in her so called mandible. Then in order to fix the problem, three teeth shaped shell pieces were inserted in the same areas and positions of the teeth. This gave rise to the born of structures which had a similar function to that of the dental implants. At that point of time it was considered by the ancient people that the structures were inserted in the mandible after the death of the individual. But in 1970, it was found that the bone was compacted around the teeth inserted and then it was concluded that the insertion was done when the individual was alive. Then eventually, various metals were used in the implants and finally titanium is the latest metal used in the dental implants.

With time, many procedures came and advanced in the dental implants. New and better coating techniques have been introduced in the field of dental implants so that the implants can integrate well thus helping the dental implants to last for long without getting damaged or causing damage to the mouth of the patient. Designs with new shapes and techniques have been introduced. Also 2D X-rays have been replaced by the 3D X-rays which helps in complex treatment plans thereby making it easy for dentists to get more information before starting with the dental implant procedure.

Dental implants have actually gotten a number of benefits which are appreciated by the dentists as well as patients. So there is a demand for the dental implants in the recent times. Dental implants are comfortable, cost-effective, and easy to wear, long-lasting and also have a good quality. Moreover, the dental implants are biologically compatible thus do not cause any damage to the teeth.

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